Posts Mocking Corporate America During The Coronapocalypse

In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses are hurting. And we should have some sympathy for them. After all, the stress of survival can force us into undesirable situations. However, some organizations try to get through these difficult times using such repulsive measures, they deserve nothing but pity. And bankruptcy.

From pressuring people to come to work against clear safety guidelines and common sense to begging for a bailout, the Internet users have been making fun of corporate America, reminding that businesses are nothing without their employees. Continue scrolling to check some of them out and upvote your faves!


Just Sayin'

Sabrina_McDa Report

Hans 13 hours ago

She has a good point. The corona crisis would be a good time to get rid of all this tax-evasive behaviour. Maybe finally Europe the the US can work together in proper taxation, instead of each side protecting "their" companies for the damage of everybody.

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From small restaurants to multinational corporations, the COVID-19 outbreak has delivered quite a blow to the economy. Companies are implementing massive organizational changes to at least try and stay afloat -- with many switching to full-scale working from home and others going all in on delivery.

"I've done a couple of webinars with groups of companies. As of about a week and a half ago, they weren't doing anything, there wasn't anything different," Peter Cappelli, a professor of management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the director of Wharton's Center for Human Resources, told ABC News. The expert predicts, "The big test will come when it goes on for more than a couple of weeks."


Too Big To Take Out A Loan And Pay It Back?

RBReich Report

Mando Lando 13 hours ago

Yep they expect every small business owner who's barely scraping by to get these low interest loans from banks to survive. But these multibillion-dollar companies can't do the same thing?

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When it comes to managing employees, Cappelli said there are good examples out there. So far, "We've seen more companies carrying employees for longer than expected if this had been a financial downturn versus a health-related one," he explained.

But there are rotten apples in the basket, too. Pressure is building on Amazon and other delivery companies to improve protection for workers worried about getting infected with coronavirus. Some workers at US food delivery firm Instacart as well as US and Italian workers at Amazon have walked out, complaining about the lack of protection.


Yeeeessss Lol

rcalo Report

Hans 13 hours ago

Fair enough!

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Even US senators have been contacting Amazon boss Jeff Bezos to express concerns.

As a response, Amazon said it had adjusted its practices, including increased cleaning of its facilities and introducing staggered shift and break times. However, union representatives are saying this is far from the truth. "Several employees working at the site use face masks for days instead of having new ones each day," one of them told Reuters.

A group of workers at Whole Foods, which is also owned by Amazon, plan to walk out on Tuesday, regarding similar problems.

Let's hope that human decency prevails and employees won't be put at risk for another dollar.


Fun Fact

veggiefact Report

Pedro Purcino 2 hours ago

companies sustain thousands of employees and the cost of buying the rquired materials to operate, is not that simple but yeah, you can can be nuked rich dumb people dont.

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"Philanthropic" Billionaires Be Like

tim_cook Report

Robin hamp 8 hours ago

Yes and I have no issue with that. These companies make obscene profits in other territories whilst exploiting their infrastructure and talent . They should contribute in taxes to each country they make a profit in.

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Fair Is Fair

MDowellEdTech Report

Leo Domitrix 12 hours ago


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Corporate Bailouts

Beaconstar Report

Hans 13 hours ago

And isn't it strange that those now cry loudest for help that rallied against labour laws, market control etc. and called it "socialist"? They now willingly accept the state utilizing them or even buying shares. You either want a strong state or not; a "comprehensive cover" state that does not interfer in good times but backes up in bad times is the epithomy of unsolidary thinking!

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What. The

Manda_like_wine Report

Gabi 13 hours ago

Tell me pls this is some very bad joke.

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IamKarenBoBaran Report

Natalie Bohrteller 13 hours ago

It seems to dawn on the American people that the American dream is really just a dream. And maybe even that social security is not communism.

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Ted Cruz

veldasue Report

Colin L 8 hours ago

I've always wanted to pay politicians double the minimum wage and force them to pay for medicine and retirement out of pocket.

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A Conservative Arguing For Workers Rights To Paid Sick Leave...

charliekirk11 Report

Mando Lando 13 hours ago

The people that give all that money are the same people that are saying that their people should go back to work. But only if they seem healthy and under 55 years old or so. They don't give a s*** about anyone but the 1%.

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Us Bailout Policy In One Image

petefallon Report

Hans 12 hours ago

Weren't "simple solutions" the answer of Trump for everything since he became president?

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Pretty Much

MikeHuntSmellss Report

Foxxy (The Original) 12 hours ago

How about we get rid of billionaires altogether. No one needs that much money.

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We Can Usually Make This Happen

DamitBobsaget Report

Mando Lando 13 hours ago

And people need to legitimately boycott these places. There's just no way people are going to boycott Amazon though. They're doing interviews all over the country and hurting people into one room and going against all social distancing initiatives yet they're not getting fined or anything else. But if I had 10 people gathered on my porch I could get arrested and fined

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maximilianfragglebottom Report

Kevin Wilcoxon 2 hours ago

Amazon = Evil

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Sad But True


Hans 12 hours ago

Slowly, this series gets only sad, not humourously critical...


Sad True

notmcIanahan Report

felixreychman 13 hours ago

With an education, you might have understood the odds of actually becoming rich. This is why the rich do not want the poor educated, and how people stay conditioned this way. The american dream is lie perpetuated by the few successfull...

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turnleftist Report

Mando Lando 13 hours ago

And the worker who organized it got fired. Jeff bezos is the biggest piece of s*** in the entire world.

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Corporate Jerk

meaganmday Report

Hans 12 hours ago

Haha, and this in a country with like 10 unpaid holiday days in total (25+ paid in Europe, just for relation).

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brucefenton Report

Leo Domitrix 12 hours ago

Actually, I suspect about $5K will kick right back to each Congress member...

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When You Wear A Watch On A Plane, Time Flies

MelsLien Report

Kaisu 12 hours ago

Airlines are such greedy companies squeezing money out of every little thing they possibly can, and now they expect the customers' help and loyalty. Maybe be reasonable and treat your customers better and people would have more interest in saving your business

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It Really Be Like That

Banner248 Report

LOttawa 11 hours ago

On $1,200.00 I can't afford to waste food. That Cheetos is being eaten.

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mjnblack Report

Dutch VanZandt 8 hours ago

Scandalous and sickening...

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SultanReina Report

MJ 2 hours ago

In case you didn't know, billionaires have enough money, to give every person on earth $77million. just to put in perspective how much they have. Redistribution wouldn't work, because who'd work with that amount of money in the bank, but it sure isn'r fair...

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The Scheme


Hans 12 hours ago

That's it! And everyone questioning it will simple be called "socialist" or "snowflake". However, nearly everyone is being cheated on.

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CEO Bonuses

Com_Truz Report

Colin L 7 hours ago

American airline can bite me.


Wall Street

JediofGallifrey Report

Carol Emory 10 hours ago

As soon as they announced a $2 trillion dollar stimulus package...Andrew Yang was like "Where did we get $2 trillion dollars?"


This Is America

turnleftist Report

N G 12 hours ago

This is Trump's healthcare..... bring back Obama

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Just Saying

AdognamedDoug Report

Tiina Lehtineva 4 hours ago

Please somebody tell me that someone gave him a highfive?

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Some May Even Die, I Don't Know

Lanhdanan Report

Brandy Grote 13 hours ago

If employees don't return, the companies may raise salaries to encourage workers. This could be good....